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Table 2 EMG electrode placements

From: The effects of therapeutic hip exercise with abdominal core activation on recruitment of the hip muscles


EMG electrode placement

Internal obliques (IO)a

1 cm medial to the anterior superior iliac spines, below a line connecting the left and right anterior superior iliac spines [15]

Upper division of gluteus maximus (UGMax)

Two finger’s width above the midpoint of the line formed between the posterior superior iliac spine of the innominate and greater trochanter of the femur [16]

Lower portion of gluteus maximus (LGMax)

Immediately below the line formed by the posterior superior iliac spine of the innominate and greater trochanter of the femur [16]

Gluteus medius (GMed)

33% of the distance from iliac crest to greater trochanter, starting from greater trochanter [17]

Biceps femoris (BF)

35% of the distance from ischial tuberosity to lateral side of popliteal fossa, starting from ischial tuberosity [17]

  1. aActivity of IO on both sides were collected