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Table 4 Pearson (r) or Spearman (r s) correlation between the change scores of the DASH and other measurement tools (n = 50)

From: Responsiveness and minimal important change of the Norwegian version of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire (DASH) in patients with subacromial pain syndrome



Assessment tools


NPRS (0–10)

r s = 0.69

SPADI (0–100)

r = 0.82

SPADI Function (0–100)

r = 0.82

SPADI Pain (0–100)

r = 0.77

SF-36 Physical functioning (PF) (0–100)

r s = −0.61

SF-36 Physical limitations (RP) (0–100)

r s = −0.60

SF-36 Bodily pain (BP) (0–100)

r s = −0.53

SF-36 General health perception (GH) (0–100)

r s = −0.17

SF-36 Vitality (VT) (0–100)

r s = −0.30

SF-36 Limitation in social activities (SF) (0–100)

r s = −0.33

SF-36 Emotional problems (RE) (0–100)

r s = −0.46

SF-36 Mental health (MH) (0–100)

r s = −0.44

AROM Abduction

r s = −0.61

AROM Flexion

r s = −0.41

AROM Medial rotation

r s = −0.36

AROM Lateral rotation

r s = −0.26

Perceived recovery (anchor)

r s = −0.61

  1. DASH disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand questionnaire, NPRS numeric pain rating scale, SPADI shoulder pain and disability index, SF-36 The Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36), AROM active range of motion