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Table 3 Best evidence synthesis guidelines

From: Specific or general exercise strategy for subacromial impingement syndrome–does it matter? A systematic literature review and meta analysis

Strong evidence

Provided by consistenta statistically significant findings in outcome

measures in at least two high quality RCTsb

Moderate evidence

Provided by statistically significant findings in outcome measures

in at least one high quality RCTb


Provided by consistenta, statistically significant findings in outcome

measures in at least two medium quality RCTsb

Limited evidence

Provided by statistically significant findings in at least one medium

quality RCTb


Provided by consistenta, statistically significant findings in outcome

measures in at least two low quality RCTsb

No or insufficient evidence

If results of eligible studies do not meet the criteria for one of the

levels of evidence listed above (e.g. no statistically significant findings)


In case of conflicting (statistically significant positive and statistically significant negative) results among RCTs


In case of no eligible studies

  1. Best evidence synthesis guidelines as modified by Dorrestijn et a [50] from the synthesis by van Tulder et al. [45]
  2. Abbreviations: RCT randomized controlled trial
  3. a Findings are considered consistent if they point in the same direction
  4. b If the number of studies showing evidence is lower than 50% of the total number of studies found within the same category of methodological quality, we state no evidence