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Table 1 Participant characteristics of the two patient cohorts

From: Patient Endorsement of the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Total Joint Replacement (TJR) clinical trial draft core domain set


OMERACT Patient research partner (PRP) Cohort survey (N = 47)

Total Joint Replacement SVPH Cohort (N = 147)

# Survey participants

N = 31 (66%)

N = 118a (80%)

% Maleb

4 (13%)

50 (47%)

Age categoryb





1 (3%)



3 (10%)

1 (1%)


9 (30%)

5 (5%)


11 (37%)

26 (25%)


6 (20%)

36 (34%)



37 (35%)


2 (7%)


 Had a joint replacement

13 (42%)

107 (100%)

Type of arthritis


2 (7%)

93 (87%)

 Rheumatoid arthritis

15 (54%)

4 (4%)

 Other inflammatory arthritis

7 (26%)

7 (6%)

 Joint aches/pains, no arthritis diagnosed or no joint aches/pains

4 (15%)

3 (3%)

  1. aOf the 147 patients who received the survey (email, n = 124; mailed survey, n = 23), 118 responded (email, n = 109; mailed survey, n = 9), of which 107 were usable (email, n = 99; mailed survey, n = 9). Therefore, most proportions are out of 107 (73% valid surveys)
  2. bMissing responses for variables for OMERACT PRPs vs. TJR SVPH cohorts: sex: 0 vs. 2; age, 0 vs. 2