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Table 3 List of independent variables and classification for statistical analysis

From: Does walking after lumbar spinal surgery predict recovery of function at six months? Protocol for a prospective cohort study



1. Post-operative activity

Time spent walking (minutes)


2. Age

1. < 65 years

2. ≥ 65 years

3. Gender

1. Male

2. Female


4. Current smoking status

1. Non-smoker

2. Smoker


5. Obesity

1. BMI < 30

2. BMI ≥ 30


6. Diabetes

1. Not diabetic

2. Diabetic


7. Depression

1. PHQ-9 < 10

2. PHQ-9 ≥ 10


8. Anxiety

1. GAD-7 < 10

2. GAD-7 ≥ 10


9. Duration of pain/symptoms

1. < median (months)

2. ≥ median (months)


10. Neurological deficit

1. No deficit

2. Neurological deficit


11. Pre-operative activity

1. IPAQ-SF - Mod/high

2. IPAQ-SF - low


12. Pre-operative mobility

1. ODQ (section 4) < 3

2. ODQ (section 4) ≥ 3


13. Surgical procedure

1. Decompression

2. Disc surgery

3. Fusion


14. Multi-level surgery

1. Single level surgery

2. Multi-level surgery


15. Preoperative function (ODQ%)

1. 0–20

2. 21–40

3. 41–60

4. 61–80

5. 81–100