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Table 6 Comparison of pain and function in consulters and non-consulters (clinical cohort and survey population)

From: Self-management of musculoskeletal hand pain and hand problems in community-dwelling adults aged 50 years and older: results from a cross-sectional study in a UK population


Clinical cohort

All1 (n = 219)

Consulted HCP past year (n = 96)

Not consulted HCP past year (n = 123)

Statistical Significance

R Grip strength lbsa

33.4 (23.8)

35.6 (24.2)

34.8 (20.4)

p = 0.46b

Number (%) below average (normative data)

200 (91 %)

84 (88 %)

116 (94 %)

p = 0.07c

R Pinch strength lbsa

6.8 (6.7)

8.2 (4.0)

7.7 (4.0)

p = 0.34b

Number (%) below average (normative data)

192 (88 %)

79 (82 %)

113 (92 %)

p = 0.03c

GAT (secs)a

36.8 (18.1)

40.3 (21.5)

34.1 (14.5)

p = 0.02b

Unable to make a fist R

50 (23 %)

31 (32 %)

19 (15 %)

p = 0.01c


Survey population

All2 (n = 1811)

Consulted HCP past year (n = 783)

Not consulted HCP past year (n = 1028)

Statistical Significance

AUSCAN functiona

18.6 (6.3)

20.3 (6.5)

17.5 (5.9)

p < 0.001b

AIMS2 functiona

4.0 (2.4)

4.6 (2.5)

3.7 (2.2)

p < 0.001b

AUSCAN paina

10.0 (3.4)

11.2 (3.4)

9.3 (3.3)

p < 0.001b

  1. All1 219 with a potential healthcare need from the nested clinical cohort, All2 1811 with a potential healthcare need from the survey cohort, HCP healthcare professional, R right, GAT Grip Ability Test, AUSCAN AUStralian CANadian Hand Osteoarthritis Index, AIMS2 Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2
  2. amean (standard deviation)
  3. bderived from independent samples t-test
  4. cderived from Chi-square test; data for AUSCAN and AIMS2 subject to missing data (although questionnaires were returned by 1811 people, not all of the questions within the questionnaires had been completed by every respondent); Data for grip and pinch strength and GAT were checked for completeness in the clinic and are therefore subject to minimal missing data; A GAT score of > 20 s is considered to indicate reduced hand function [21]; Scoring range for AUSCAN function = 0–36, with higher scores indication poorer function; Scoring range for AIMS2 hand and finger function = 0–10, with higher scores indicating poorer function; Scoring for AUSCAN pain = 0–20, with higher scores indicating more pain