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Table 2 Observation protocol for PTs’ assessment of red and yellow flags

From: Physical therapists’ assessments, analyses and use of behavior change techniques in initial consultations on musculoskeletal pain: direct observations in primary health care

Definition of red flags

Examples of PTs’ questions to assess red flags


Have you experienced any trauma related to your pain?

Severe diagnosis

Have you had cancer or any other severe diagnosis?

Severe spinal pathology

Have you experienced radiating leg pain?

Patterns or symptoms not related to mechanical pain

How is your health in general?

Numbness and paresthesia in the perianal region

Have you had any bowel and bladder disorders?

Difficulty with micturition


Weakness or numbness in the legs related to back pain

Have you felt any weakness or numbness in your legs?

Definition of yellow flags

Examples of PTs’ questions to assess yellow flags

Beliefs, appraisal, and judgments

Unhelpful beliefs about pain

What are your thoughts about the pain?

Expectations of poor treatment outcome

What are your thoughts about recovery?

What do you think about your capability to work?

Which factors do you think affect your pain?

Emotional responses

Distress not meeting the criteria for diagnosis of mental disorder

Are you worried about your pain?

How does the pain affect your mood?

Worry, fears and anxiety

Are you distressed about the pain?

Are you avoiding doing any activities due to pain?

Pain behavior and coping strategies

Avoidance of activities due to expectations of pain and possible re-injury

Do you avoid activities due to pain?

What are you doing when having pain?

Over-reliance on passive treatments

What are your thoughts about pain relief?

What activities are difficult for you due to pain?