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Table 1 Exercises performed by the resistance exercise group during the main part of their exercise session

From: Direct effects of physical training on markers of bone metabolism and serum sclerostin concentrations in older adults with low bone mass

Starting position

Description of the exercise

Number of repetitions in 1 set

Lying supine with feet on the ground 10 cm apart, arms at sides with palms down.

Shoulder bridge – The pelvis is slowly lifted with tense abdominal and gluteal muscles. This position is held and the knees are alternately extended. The pelvis is then slowly lowered.


Lying supine with the hips and knees flexed at 90°

One leg with flexed knee is lowered towards the ground while the contralateral arm is raised vertically. This position is held 2 s and then the exercise is repeated with the opposite limbs.


Kneeling position, elbows and forearms on the floor, knees under the hips, trunk stabilized, spine and pelvis stable.

Swimming - The contralateral arm and leg are simultaneously raised until level with the trunk. The exercise is then repeated with the opposite limbs.


Static forearm plank.

One leg is raised with the knee extended (lumbar spine in neutral), the position is held for 2 s and then the leg is slowly lowered. This is then repeated with the opposite leg.


Static low forearm plank.

The pelvis in held in a raised position for 2 s and then lowered.


Sitting on a physioball, legs apart, soles on the ground, hands holding a green band.

The participant leans forward from the hip to 45° with shoulders at approximately 150° flexion while stretching the band. This position is held for 2 s and then the participant slowly returns to the starting position.


Standing straight with feet hip width apart and a ball between the back and a wall.

Ball squatting against a wall – The participant leans into the ball and squats until the thighs are parallel to the ground. The arms are raised and this position is held for 2 s.


Standing with feet hip width apart and tense trunk muscles.

Backward lunge – The knees are bent to a lunge position, which is held for 2 s before returning to the starting stance.


Standing with 1 kg weights in both hands.

The participant performs a forward lunge while abducting the arms to 90° and then returns to the starting position.


Standing with feet hip width apart and arms straight in front.

The participant steps right/left and lowers into a side lunge before returning to the starting position.
