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Table 2 Rehabilitation protocol (identical for both groups)

From: Focal cartilage defects in the knee –a randomized controlled trial comparing autologous chondrocyte implantation with arthroscopic debridement

Rehabilitation phases

Physiotherapy and activities


Criteria for progression to next phase

Phase1: Accomodation


Reduce pain and swelling

No pain & swelling during activities of daily living (ADL)

Ice, elevation and compression

Normalize range of motion

Flexion 90°

Isometric exercises

Regain quadriceps control

Normalized quadriceps activity while walking (clinical evaluation by the physical therapist)

Range of motion

Gait training (no weight-bearing for two weeks)

Phase2: Rehabilitation

Stationary bike cycling

Recovery of full range of motion

Full range of motion

Progressive knee and hip resistance training

Normalize muscle strength

No pain or swelling during and after training sessions

Neuromuscular training

Dynamic joint stability during ADL

Equally distributed weight on the lower limbs during weight-bearing exercises with no shift of the trunk (visually assessed by the physical therapist)

Ability to stand on 1 limb on a flat surface for at lest 10 s

Phase 3: Return to activity

Knee and hip resistance training

Recovery of strength and neuromuscular control

Return to sport based on individual assessment

Neuromuscular training

Return to activity/sport

Cardiovascular training