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Table 1 Treatment modules and goals for CBT and IVR-CBT

From: Cooperative pain education and self-management (COPES): study design and protocol of a randomized non-inferiority trial of an interactive voice response-based self-management intervention for chronic low back pain


Coping Skill





Baseline assessment




Present rationale for treatment, explain pain cycle and introduce goal setting.

- Complete one exercise each day in the “Your Guide to Setting Meaningful Activity Goals” section



Introduce stretching, its benefits, explain acute vs. chronic pain, beliefs about pain and provide suggested stretches to practice.

-Practice stretches provided in the handbook daily

-Set/ work on meaningful activity goal


Movement, Walking & Body Mechanics

Instructions for walking, body mechanics, increasing activity and preventing injuries.

-Practice body mechanics

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/ work on Meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior week’s skill


Deep Breathing

Instructions for diaphragmatic breathing and its benefits.

-Practice diaphragmatic breathing using CD for 5–10 minutes/day

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/ work on meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills


Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Instructions for progressive muscle relaxation and its benefits.

-Practice progressive muscle relaxation using CD

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/work on meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills


Identifying Unhealthy Thoughts

Influence of negative thoughts on pain, activities and mood.

-Practice catching unhealthy thoughts

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/work on meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills


Balancing Unhealthy Thoughts

Instructions for challenging and changing negative thoughts

-Practice catching and changing unhealthy thoughts

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/work on meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills


Time-Based Pacing

Instructions for time-based pacing and its benefits.

-Practice time-based pacing by applying it to one activity daily

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/work on meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills


Sleep Hygiene

Common sleep problems and sleep hygiene tips.

-Practice at least one sleep hygiene tip daily

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/ work on meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills


Planning for the Future

Relapse prevention; reviewing goals and accomplishments, managing relapse and pain flare ups.

- Complete 1 section of the pain flare prevention handout daily.

-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps

- Set/work on meaningful activity goal

-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills