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Table 1 Baseline variables: demographics and outcome measures

From: Upper cervical and upper thoracic manipulation versus mobilization and exercise in patients with cervicogenic headache: a multi-center randomized clinical trial

Baseline Variable

Manipulation Group (n = 58)

Mobilization & Exercise Group (n = 52)

Age (years): Mean (SD)

34.1 (12.6)

36.4 (10.0)

Gender (female): number (%)

41 (71 %)

33 (64 %)

Duration of symptoms (days): Mean (SD)

1693.7 (2357.7)

1633.8 (2229.9)

BMI (kg/m2): Mean (SD)

24.2 (3.8)

24.0 (3.3)

Headache intensity (NPRS 0–10): Mean (SD)

6.4 (1.6)

6.0 (2.1)

Disability (NDI 0–50): Mean (SD)

18.1 (7.9)

19.2 (7.8)

Headache frequency (0–7 days): Median



Headache duration: Median



Medication intake: Median



  1. NPRS Numeric Pain Rating Scale, 0–10, lower scores indicate less pain; NDI Neck Disability Index, 0–50, lower scores indicate greater function; Headache frequency = number of headache days in the last week, 0–7, higher scores indicate worsening; Headache duration = total headache hours in the last week, 1 = 0–5 h, 2 = 6–10 h, 3 = 11–15 h, 4 = 16–20 h, 5 = 21–25 h, 6 = 26 or more hours, higher scores indicate worsening; Medication intake = frequency of pain medication use in the past week, 1 = not at all, 2 = once a week, 3 = once every couple of days, 4 = once or twice a day, 5 = three or more times a day