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Table 3 Mean (SD) mobility and strength in the operated hands at 3.5 [2] and 13-year follow-up

From: Abductor pollicis longus tendon interposition for arthrosis of the first carpo-metacarpal joint. Long-term results


3.5-year review [2] (n = 55)

13-year review (n = 36)

Thumb radial abduction (°)

51 (16)

36 (9)*

Wrist extension (°)

62 (12)

59 (10)

Wrist flexion (°)

68 (15)

71 (8)

Ulnar deviation (°)

36 (10)

32 (7)

Radial deviation (°)

21 (6)

18 (5)

Key pinch (kg)

3.8 (1.4)

5.0 (1.5)*

Power grip (kg)

21 (10)

24 (6)

  1. *p < 0.001 compared to operated hands at 3.5-year review