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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and postoperative results of all patients

From: Perioperative risk factors in patients with a femoral neck fracture – influence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and C-reactive protein on postoperative medical complications and 1-year mortality

Age (years)

81 (73–87)

sex (female)

79 %


25 (22–28)


I: 2 % II: 27 % III: 69 % IV: 2 %

creatinine (μmol/l)

73 (60–97)

haemoglobin (mmol/l)

7.9 (7.2-8.6)

leukocytes (exp9/l)

10.2 (8.0-13-3)

CRP (mg/l)

5.3 (1.8-15.4)

25(OH)D (ng/ml)

8.4 (5.1-14.5)

Postoperative medical complications (total)

20 %


6 %


1 %

pulmonary infection

3 %

extra-pulmonary infections

4 %

other (i.e. delirium)

6 %

30-day mortality

13 %

1-year mortality

23 %

  1. Values given as median (IQR) or as percentage