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Table 1 Exclusion criteria

From: Physical therapy vs. internet-based exercise training (PATH-IN) for patients with knee osteoarthritis: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

No regular internet access

Currently meeting Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines for Physical Activity [32]

Currently completing series of physical therapy visits for knee OA

Diagnosis of gout in the knee, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other systemic rheumatic disease

Severe dementia or other memory loss condition

Active diagnosis of psychosis or current uncontrolled substance abuse disorder

On waiting list for arthroplasty

Hospitalization for a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, or had surgery for blocked arteries in the past 3 months

Total joint replacement knee surgery, other knee surgery, meniscus tear, or ACL tear in the past 6 months

Severely impaired hearing or speech

Unable to speak English

Serious or terminal illness as indicated by referral to hospice or palliative care

Other health problem that would prohibit participation in the study

Nursing home residence

Current participation in another OA intervention study

Fall history deemed by a study physical therapist co-investigator to impose risk for potential injury with participation in a home-based exercise program