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Table 3 Therapeutic interventions for subacute low-back pain (4–12 weeks)

From: An interdisciplinary clinical practice model for the management of low-back pain in primary care: the CLIP project

Grade of scientific evidence




Lack of evidence

Can be recommended


Advice to remain active [36,53,64]

McKenzie approach [66]

Acupuncture [62]

Lumbar support [59,70]

- Graded activity + behavioral intervention = ↓ absence from work and ↓ risk of chronicity


Exercises [42,68]

Multidisciplinary program [39,59]

Vertebral manipulations [56,57]

TENS [68]

- no superiority of one type compared to another

- efficacious if intensive, includes return to work component with visit of workplace.

- Efficacy > placebo [53]


- Efficacy > mobilisation to reduce short term pain [55]


- As efficacious as other conservative treatments


Massage [67]

Radiofrequency denervation [71]


- Efficacy > no treatment


- Better efficacy if combined to exercises and education


Behavioral therapy [59]

Physical agents (ice, heat, diathermy, ultrasounds) [53]


- Efficacy on pain and functional limitations > traditional care


NSAIDs [51]

Steroid epidural infiltration [53]


- Efficacy to ↓ pain = acetaminophen for all NSAIDs


Analgesics [52–54]

Infiltration of trigger points [53,72]


- Non-opioids as efficacious as NSAIDs for pain relief


- Opioids: weak evidence of superiority to non-opioids


Cannot be recommended


Bed rest [64]


Mechanical tractions [68,69]

  1. NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  2. TENS: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation