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Table 2 Hand specific data to be collected during clinical assessment (CAS-HA)

From: The Clinical Assessment Study of the Hand (CAS-HA): a prospective study of musculoskeletal hand problems in the general population


Measurement method


Clinical Interview Questions:

Characteristic of complaint

Duration of hand problem

< 12 months, 1-<5 years, 5-<10 years, 10 years +


Onset: sudden, gradual

yes, no, for right and left hands


Onset: following accident or injury

yes, no, for right and left hands

Hand pain and hand symptoms

Pain/tenderness in past month

yes, no


Hand pain descriptors from McGill Pain Questionnaire§ [37]

15 descriptors


Pain location: hand drawing

shading both hands front and back


Pain present all the time

yes, no


Pain related to sleep disturbance

yes, no


Pain limits activity

yes, no


Hand stiffness in past month

yes, no


Side of stiffness

right, left, both


Hand stiffness on waking in past month

yes, no


Duration of morning stiffness

≤ 30 mins, 30+ mins


Finger locking, triggering

yes, no


Release of locking

yes, no


Altered sensation (pins + needles, tingling, numbness) in past month

yes, no


Altered sensation location: hand drawing

shading both hands front and back


Altered sensation worse at night

yes, no

Occupational impact

Stop work due to hand problem

yes, no


Absence from work due to hand problem

yes, no


Adaptation: gadgets, help, avoidance, change method, stop/reduce activity, take longer, other

yes, no


17 treatments/self-help activities tried recently

yes, no


Any treatments effective

yes, no

Family history of joint problems

Relatives with joint problems: father, mother, brother, sister

yes, no


Hand involvement

yes, no

Diagnostic and causal attributions

Open-ended questions

free text

Health problems

Open-ended question: 2 most important health problems

free text

Hand Assessment (right and left hands):

Upper limb screen

9 movements (adapted from [38])

yes, no, unable to assess


Swelling, nodes, bony enlargement, deformity at selected joints

yes, no


Thenar muscle wasting

yes, no



yes, no


Thumb opposition [39]

yes, no, for 10 positions


Thumb extension



Wrist extension



Wrist flexion



Phalen's [40,41]

positive, negative, unable to assess


Grind [42,43]

positive, negative, unable to assess


Finklestein's [42,44]

positive, negative, unable to assess

Hand function

Grip Ability Test [45]

timed (seconds)


Power grip (JAMAR dynomometer) [46]



Pinch grip (B&L pinch gauge) [46]


Brief self-complete questionnaire:

Hand pain and hand symptoms

Days of hand pain, ache or stiffness in past month*§ [10]

all, most, some, few, no


Severity of hand pain in past month*§

numerical rating scale (0–10)


Thumb pain during activity in past month*§

yes, no


Swelling in hands in past month

yes, no

Impact of symptoms

Severity of overall hand problems in past month*§

none, very mild, mild, moderate, severe


Bothersomeness of hand problem in past 2 weeks*§ (adapted from [47])

not at all, slightly, moderately, very much, extremely


Symptom satisfaction*§ (adapted from [23])

5-point Likert scale: very dissatisfied to very satisfied

  1. *Also gathered at 18 months; § Also gathered at 3 years; ‡ Minimum data to be sought at 18 months and 3 years from non-responders