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Figure 1 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Figure 1

From: Age of donor alters the effect of cyclic hydrostatic pressure on production by human macrophages and osteoblasts of sRANKL, OPG and RANK

Figure 1

Effect of hydrostatic pressure and 1,25D 3 on synthesis of RANK by cultured human macrophages. Macrophages were cultured at 5 × 105/well for 7 days. 1,25D3 (10-7M or 10-9M) was added and cultures were subjected to one cycle of pressure (34.5 × 10-3MPa). Macrophages were immunostained for RANK with a specific polyclonal antibody. Cells exposed to pressure and 10-7M 1,25D3 (a) synthesised more RANK than cells exposed to pressure and 10-9M 1,25D3 (b). Cultures supplemented with 1,25D3 synthesised more RANK than control cultures without 1,25D3 (c). MP in pressurised synthesised more RANK than in control cultures without pressure (d).

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