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Table 1 Criteria for participants in the trial

From: The effect of posterior and lateral approach on patient-reported outcome measures and physical function in patients with osteoarthritis, undergoing total hip replacement: a randomised controlled trial protocol

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Age: 45–70 years, both years included

More joints (hip, knee or ankle) with expected joint replacement within a year

Patients scheduled for primary cementless total hip replacement

Prior joint replacement on any joints (hip, knee or ankle), or any joint related surgery on lower limbs, still providing symptoms

Endstage primary hip OA or secondary OA due to mild hip dysplasia (CE-angle >20 degrees)

BMI >35


Any physical disability preventing patients from walking 20 meters without aid


Any neurological disease (ex. cerebral thrombosis, Parkinson) compromising the walking ability


Any severe medical condition compromising the physical function (ex. Chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Evaluated by 30s-CST-test


Severe dementia (OMC < 18)


Inability to read and understand Danish writing and oral instructions


Does not wish to participate