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Table 1 Example search strategy

From: Osteopathic manipulative treatment for nonspecific low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Search terms and strategy used for MEDLINE


1. randomized controlled

16. coccydynia.ti,ab.

2. controlled clinical

17. sciatica.ti,ab.

3. randomized.ab.

18. sciatic neuropathy

4. placebo.ab,ti.

19. spondylosis.ti,ab.

5. randomly.ti.ab.

20. lumbago.ti,ab.

6. trial.ab,ti.

21. low back pain.ti,ab.

7. groups.ab,ti.

22. lumbopelvic pain.ti,ab.

8. or/1-7

23. or/11-22

9. (animals not (humans and animals)).sh.

24. 10 and 23

10. 8 not 9

25. osteopathic

11. dorsalgia.ti,ab.

26. manipulation,

12. back Pain. ti,ab

27. OMT.ti,ab.

13. backache.ti,ab.

28. or/25-27

14. (lumbar adj pain).ti,ab.

29. 24 and 28

15. coccyx.ti,ab.

  1. Abbreviations: mh Major heading, pt Publication type, ti,ab Title and Abstract.