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Table 2 Criteria list for the methodology quality assessments

From: A systematic review of studies using pedometers as an intervention for musculoskeletal diseases




Randomization: Is randomization described and adequately performed? Positive if a random assignment to the research groups was performed and had been described explicitly.


Control condition: Is there an adequate control conditions? Positive if the control group is from that same setting as the intervention group and (1) an alternative treatment was given, (2) if there was a comparable condition that controlled for a part of the intervention, (3) if usual care was given, or (4) if nothing was done.


Research groups comparable at commencement: Positive if the comparability of the research groups was statistically tested before the start of the intervention and the tests showed that the intervention group and control group did not differ with respect to age and at least one of the relevant outcome measures. In case the groups did differ, positive if this difference was.


Dropout described and acceptable: Positive if (selective) dropout was described and when dropout was <20% at short-term follow-up (6 months or less) and <30% at long-term follow-up (longer than 6 months.


Was the person conducting the measurements blind for group assignment (or was an attempt made at baseline?): positive if the measurements were conducted by a person blind for group assignment or if data collection was done with questionnaires that the respondent could fill out, in a situation not influenced by the researcher.


Respondent blind for group assignment: Positive if the respondent had (or could have had) no knowledge on the results of the group assignment.


Timing of measurements is comparable for the different research groups: Positive if the measurements were conducted at comparable moments for both the control group and the intervention group.


Is the length of the follow-up described and acceptable? Positive if a follow-up of 6 months or longer was described.


Intention to treat-analysis: Positive if all initially included and group-assigned participants are mentioned and analyzed in the original groups.


Control for potential confounders: Positive if the analysis controlled for potential confounders.