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Table 1 List questions and explanations, which have not been translated literally

From: The conceptually equivalent Dutch version of the Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC)©





Question 9

How much difficulty do you have with someone or something coming in contact with your affected shoulder?

Hoe bang bent u dat iets of iemand tegen uw geblesseerde schouder stoot?

How much difficulty is translates as How afraid are you

Question 12

How much difficulty do you experience working above your head?

Hoeveel last ervaart u bij het verrichten van werkzaamheden boven schouderhoogte?

Above your head is translated as above shoulder level

Explanation 16

Refers to anything that you would do to your hair such as combing, brushing or washing that requires you to reach up with your problematic arm.

Heeft betrekking op alles wat er bij haarverzorging komt kijken, zoals kammen, borstelen of wassen, waarbij u uw aangedane arm moet optillen. Indien u schouderklachten heeft, maar daar geen last van heeft bij de verzorging van uw haar (bijvoorbeeld omdat dat prima gaat met uw andere arm of dat u kalend bent), zet u een streepje links op de lijn.

The explanation was expanded by: If you have shoulder complaints, but they do not bother you when styling your hair (because it goes fine with the other arm) you put a slash left on the line. If you do not experience difficulty styling your hair because your are balding, indicate your difficulty to wash the top of your head

Question 17

How much difficulty do you have “roughhousing or horsing around” with family or friends?

Hoeveel last hebt u met ‘stoeien en ravotten’ met familie/vrienden vanwege uw schouder?

The explanation was adjusted by adding ‘e.g. grandchildren