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Table 4 LBP in a Danish general population at ages 44/45 (survey 2) and at 48/49 (survey 3)

From: Stability of low back pain reporting over 8 years in a general population aged 40/41 years at base-line: data from three consecutive cross-sectional surveys

Number of days with LBP in the preceding year at survey 2 (n = 348)

Number of days with LBP in the preceding year at survey 3 in relation to survey 2 (N = 293 participants +119 non-responders) % [95% CI]






(n = 72)

(n = 152)

(n = 69)

(n = 55)

0 (n = 112)

38 [29–47]

35 [26–44]

8 [3–13]

20 [13–17]

1-30 (n = 146)

16 [10–22]

58 [50–66]

16 [10–22]

14 [8–20]

>30 (n = 90)

8 [2–14]

31 [21–41]

40 [30–50]

19 [13–29]

  1. Cross tabulations of the number of days with LBP in the past year for survey 2 vs. survey 3 when taking non responders into account. The table shows the proportions of people in each category in percentages (%) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) which were found in the same or in a different category of LBP duration at the 3rd survey as compared to the 2nd survey.