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Table 1 Participant characteristics in the study (n=15)

From: Consequences and adaptation in daily life – patients’ experiences three decades after a nerve injury sustained in adolescence

Age at nerve injury

16 (13–20)

Gender: male/female (n)


Years of follow-up

31 (23–40)

Dominant hand (n), yes/no


Mechanism of injury (n)


Cut by glass (window or bottle)


Cut by porcelain


Crush injury


Injured nerve (n)


Median nerve


Ulnar nerve


Both nerves


Rosen score (0–3)

2.1 (0.4-2.5)

25/ 75 percentile 1.7/ 2.3

DASH (0–100)

8 (0–61)

CISS (4–100)

41 (10–74)

Impact on profession yes/no (n)


VAS education (0–100)

76 (0–98)

VAS leisure (0–100)

52 (1–98)

SOC (13–91)

68 (52–89)

  1. Values are medians (min-max if not specified as number (n) or percentile).
  2. The participants are a heterogeneous group of patients from a previous study [14]. The total Rosen score is the sum of three different domains; sensory, motor and pain/ discomfort [27]. The maximum score is 3, which indicates a normal sensory and motor function without pain or discomfort. The cut-off for a pathological CISS score is 50 [17] and four participants had a pathological score. The impact on education and leisure activities was estimated with the use of VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) where 0 means no symptoms or problems and 100 indicate worst possible outcomes. We used the condensed 13-item version of the Sense of Coherence scale [19].