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Table 3 Comparison of baseline and 3 month outcomes

From: Does a patient’s physical activity predict recovery from an episode of acute low back pain? A prospective cohort study


Baseline Mean (SD) (n = 91)

3 months Mean (SD) (n = 83)

Mean Difference (95% CI)

aP value

RMDQ score

8.1 (3.8)

1.7 (2.9)

6.1 (5.2 – 7.1)

< .0001

VAS score

57.4 (19.7)

15.2 (19.6)

42.8 (37.4 – 8.2)

< .0001


N (%)

N (%)


b P value

Return to “normal” activities

23 (22.8)

69 (68.4)


< .0001

  1. aPaired t-tests.
  2. bMcNemar’s test.