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Figure 1 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Figure 1

From: Estimation of return-to-sports-time for athletes with stress fracture – an approach combining risk level of fracture site with severity based on imaging

Figure 1

Case of a high-risk, low-grade stress fracture Case of a 22-year-old male handball player with pain over the proximal fifth metatarsal bone. A) shows bone marrow edema in T2-weighted MRI images in the transverse and coronal plane at the base of MT V. B) represents the corresponding T1-weighted images. The seemingly hypointense area indicated by the arrow was rated negative for bone marrow edema, showing no different signal intensity compared to the other metacarpal bases (not shown in displayed images). The anterior view of the osseous phase of bone scintigraphy C) shows a poorly defined area of increased uptake consistent with a low-grade injury. In accordance with our grading system (Table 1), this case was rated a low-grade stress injury at a high-risk site (Table 2) by the adjudication panel. The return-to-sports-time was recorded after 82 days.

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