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Table 1 Criteria for inclusion and exclusion

From: Non-surgical treatment of hip osteoarthritis. Hip school, with or without the addition of manual therapy, in comparison to a minimal control intervention: Protocol for a three-armed randomized clinical trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

- 40-80 years of age

- Other conditions than hip OA appearing to be the cause of the patient's symptoms

- Unilateral hip pain > 3 months

- Bilateral hip pain

- Radiographic measurement of joint space width < 2.00 mm or side difference > 10%

- Indication for hip joint replacement surgery within the next 6 months

- Able to speak and read Danish

- Previous hip or knee joint replacement surgery


- Hip OA due to hip fracture or infection


- Rating of worst hip pain during the last week as ≤ 2 on 11-box rating scale


- Hip dysplasia, Center Edge angle < 25 and Acetabular index Angle > 10


- Local knee pain originating from the knee on the same side as the hip OA


- Low back pain dominating over the hip symptoms


- Inflammatory joint disease


- Cerebrovascular disease


- Polyneuropathy or neuromuscular disease


- Malignant disease


- Refusal to participate