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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of the study population; knee OA (N = 174), hip OA (N = 123)*

From: Vitality and the course of limitations in activities in osteoarthritis of the hip or knee


Knee OA

Hip OA


(N = 174)

(N = 123)

Age, mean (sd)

65.9 (8.3)

66.3 (8.9)

Gender, male n (%)

46 (26.4)

36 (29.3)

Duration of complaints, mean (sd)

10.8 (11.1)

7.7 (9.3)

BMI, mean (sd)

28.4 (4.3)

26.8 (3.7)

Obesity, n (%)


• BMI > 30

31 (17.9)

40 (32.8)

• 25 < BMI≤30

95 (54.9)

60 (49.2)

• BMI≤25

47 (27.2)

22 (18.0)

No other joint complaints n(%)

20 (11.6)

14 (11.5)

Married, n(%)

106 (60.9)

89 (72.4)

Education, n (%)


• No or lower education (≤6 years)

28 (16.2)

19 (15.4)

• Medium education (≤12 years)

121 (69.9)

84 (68.3)

• Higher education (> 12 years)

24 (13.9)

20 (16.3)

Radiological evidence knee *


Kellgren & Lawrence grade ≥ 2; n (%)

118 (95.2)

29 (90.6)

Radiological evidence hip**


Kellgren & Lawrence grade ≥ 2; n (%)

25 (92.6)

82 (97.6)

Limitations in activities


WOMAC (physical functioning) mean (sd) range 0-100

62.1 (16.6)

61.9 (16.4)

Timed walking test, seconds mean (sd)

10.2 (3.7)

10.0 (2.7)

Psychological and social factors


One person in household, n (%)

62 (35.6)

33 (26.8)



• Vitality, mean (sd), range 0-100

56.8 (19.2)

56.0 (19.8)

• Mental health, mean (sd), range 0-100

71.8 (18.2)

73.4 (17.4)

Pain Coping Inventory (PCI)


• PCI pain transformation, mean (sd), range 1-4

2.3 (0.6)

2.2 (0.6)

• PCI distraction, mean (sd), range 1-4

2.3 (0.6)

2.2 (0.7)

• PCI reduction demands, mean (sd), range 1-4

2.1 (0.6)

2.1 (0.7)

• PCI retreating, mean (sd), range 1-4

1.7 (0.5)

1.7 (0.5)

• PCI resting, mean (sd), range 1-4

2.2 (0.6)

2.3 (0.6)

• PCI worrying, mean (sd), range 1-4

1.9 (0.5)

1.7 (0.5)

Social Support, mean (sd), range 12-60

53.2 (7.7)

53.8 (7.1)

  1. * Baseline characteristics with regard to body functions, comorbidity and cognitive functioning are presented in detail in previous research (4).
  2. ** N = 124 (X-rays were available in only a subsample of the included patients); *** N = 85 (X-rays were available in only a subsample of the included patients).
  3. N, n: number; sd: standard deviation; OA: osteoarthritis; BMI: body mass index; WOMAC: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index; SF-36: MOS 36 item Short Form Health Survey; VAS: visual analogue scale; CIRS: cumulative illness rating scale; CST20: cognitive screening test 20 items: PCI: pain coping inventory.