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Table 3 Contents of the educational Digital Video Disk

From: Study protocol of cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in the evolution of non-specific sub-acute low back pain in the working population: cluster randomised trial

Contents of the educational Digital Video Disk

ā–  Basics on anatomy and biomechanics of the spine

ā–  Causes and mechanisms of pain

ā–  Recommendations on dealing with pain and coping with it in daily life

ā–  A series of stretching, strengthening, and flexibility exercises and methods to promote physical activity

ā–  Ergonomics applied to daily life (home, work and leisure)

ā–  Cognitive restructuring (Modulation of negative thoughts affecting emotions and pain)

ā–  Use of attention (increasing attention focus)

ā–  Assertiveness (Improving social relationships)

ā–  Problem solving (training in step by step techniques for decision making)

ā–  Time organization and reinforcement of reform activities and physical exercise

ā–  Life values (Increasing concordance between values and behaviour)

ā–  Relapse prevention