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Table 2 Item list for physical examination.

From: Back Complaints in the Elders (BACE); design of cohort studies in primary care: an international consortium

History taking


Range of motion and additional diagonistic tests

- Pain location

- Standing posture

- Standing on heels and toes

- Radiation of the pain

- Scars or other abnormalities

- Finger-floor distance and the presence of flexion pain

- Severity of pain (11-point numeric rating scale)

- Heberden's and Bouchard's nodules

- Latero-flexion: range and pain (yes/no)

- Leg pain > back pain

- Palpation of the paravertebral muscles

- Upper body rotation: range and pain

- Paraesthesia of the foot and toes

- Palpation spinous processes and sacroiliac joint

- Muscular strength of the m. quadriceps

- Non-mechanical pain

- Ankle tendon reflex

- Test of Lasègue [47, 48]

- Neuropathic pain questions (DN4) [46]

- Knee tendon reflex

- Crossed test of Lasègue [47, 48]

- History of back pain

- Hypesthesia or Hypalgesia of the foot and toes

- Exo- and endorotation of the hip: range and pain

- Pain and activity

- Neuropathic pain tests (DN4) [46]

- Bone quality of the heel

- Pain during coughing or sneezing


- Timed Up and Go test [49]

- Weight loss


- C-reactive protein level (blood sample)

- Comorbidity: e.g. urinal problems, obstipation, diagnosis of osteoporosis
