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Table 2 Proportion of, and age at, first event (scoliosis and/or WSH or censored at surgery) based on the distribution of the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)

From: Incidence and sequence of scoliosis and windswept hip deformity: which comes first in 4148 children with cerebral palsy? A longitudinal cohort study

  1. SD Standard deviation, WSH Windswept hips. Cells with a green background have a lower proportion than expected based on the overall distribution, while cells with an orange background have a higher proportion than expected
  2. P-values from: aOne-sample χ2-test with probabilities 0.461, 0.139, 0.093, 0.143, and 0.163 for GMFCS levels I, II, III, IV, and V, respectively, and bKruskal–Wallis test