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Table 3 Rocabado’s 6 × 6 exercise Program

From: Effects of sustained natural apophyseal glides versus rocabado 6 × 6 program in subjects with cervicogenic headache

1-Tongue in the resting position

The patient places the tongue’s tip on the top palate of the mouth, applying light pressure against it

2-TMJ Controlled Rotation

While softly pressing the tongue tip against the palate, open and shut the jaw.

4-Releasing cervical/neck flexion:

To stabilize the entire cervical region, the patient places both hands behind the neck and interlaces the fingers. While the patient conducts flexion, the neck is kept upright. As if nodding his head, raise and drop the chin.

5-Longitudinal extension with Stabilized head

To enhance the functional and mechanical link of the head to the cervical spine, the patient is instructed to stretch his or her head upward while gliding their neck backwards. Push your chin back out after bringing it up towards your neck to form a “double chin”.

6-Retraction of shoulder

The patient is instructed to squeeze the shoulder blades together and draw the shoulders back and down in a single motion alongside lifting and lowering of the chest.

  1. [Abbreviation: TMJ = Temporomandibular Joint]