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Fig. 3 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Fig. 3

From: Gait characterization in golden retriever muscular dystrophy dogs using linear discriminant analysis

Fig. 3

LDA Model 3: analysis of gait accelerometry parameters in healthy and GRMD dogs. a Linear discriminant analysis plot of gait accelerometry parameters for healthy and GRMD dogs with genotypes and age in months as dependent variables, and age in days as an additional explanatory variable. Individual measurements (dots) and groups (centroids and 95% confidence ellipses) are positioned on the plane using their values for the two first canonical variables, F1 and F2. Green and red colours correspond to healthy and GRMD dogs, respectively. For clarity, only the groups of younger and older animals were indicated for each genotypes. Arrows illustrate the evolution of class centroids according to age. The percentage variance explained by each canonical variable is indicated in parentheses. b Factor loading chart of F1 and F2 canonical variables. SF, stride frequency; Reg, regularity; TP, total power; CCP/TP, cranio-caudal power normalized to TP; DVP/TP, dorso-ventral power normalized to TP; MLP/TP, medio-lateral power normalized to TP; SL/HW, stride length normalized to height at withers

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