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Table 5 Descriptive differences between patient subgroups which are regarded as quite similar clinically

From: Identifying subgroups of patients using latent class analysis: should we use a single-stage or a two-stage approach? A methodological study using a cohort of patients with low back pain

Single-stage LCA

Two-stage LCA

Recent severe LBP, activity limitations (SS 1, dark blue)

Recent severe LBP, activity limitations, sleep issues (TS 4)

• More with sleep issues, moderate degree of depression

• More with leg pain

• More cannot work

• More females

Severely affected: very recent onset severe LBP, social participation and activity limitations (SS 3, green)

• More believe they cannot work

Severely affected: very recent onset severe LBP, social participation and activity limitations (TS 1)

• More with a higher degree of depression, feel socially isolated

• More with a higher degree of leg pain severity (tendency)

Pain- and work-related concerns, high physical work-load (SS 5, turquoise)

• More with a higher degree of leg pain severity

• More with a longer duration of LBP

Work-related severe LBP (TS 3)

• More with a higher degree of depression

• More with a higher degree of disability

Severely affected: recent LBP with several consequences (SS 6)

• More with a higher degree of pain-related concerns

• More with a higher degree of disability

• More with social participation limitations

• More with leg pain on AROM

Severely affected: LBP with several consequences (TS 5)

LBP with nerve root involvement (SS 7, light blue)

LBP with nerve root involvement (TS 9)

• More with a higher degree of depression

• More with a higher degree of disability

• More with a higher degree of work participation limitations

• More with affected neurology

• More males

• More with comorbidity

Mildly affected: mild intermittent LBP (SS 2, red)

• More with any duration of LBP

• More with low degree of disability

• More with comorbidity

Mildly affected: mild intermittent LBP, moderate activity limitations, no participation limitations (low degree of physical workload) (TS 2)

• More with LBP duration of 0–4 weeks

• More with only LBP

• More males

Mildly affected: mild intermittent LBP (SS 2, red)

• More with dressing problems

Mildly affected: mild intermittent LBP, sleeps well, moderate activity limitations and SI joint pain, more females (TS 6)

• More with pain-related concern

• More with SI joint pain, with trigger points and painful muscles

• More with comorbidity

Mildly affected: mild intermittent LBP (SS 2, red)

• More with a higher degree of leg pain severity

• More with reducible disc (diagnosis)

• More with SI joint pain

Mildly affected: mild intermittent LBP with work-issues, no activity limitations, males (TS 7)

• More with a higher degree of depression and pain-related concerns

• More with decreased sexual activity

• More with higher degree of work participation limitations

• More males

  1. LCA Latent Class Analysis, SS single-stage patient subgroup, TS two-stage patient subgroup LBP, low back pain, AROM active range of motion, SI sacroiliac