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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the epidemiological studies of the association between computer work and carpal tunnel syndrome.

From: Carpal tunnel syndrome and the use of computer mouse and keyboard: A systematic review

CTS: Carpal tunnel syndrome

NCT: Nerve conduction test

Inclusion criteria

English language, peer-reviewed articles with original data

Study design

   Longitudinal studies

   Cross sectional studies

   Case referent studies


   Should include both an exposed group and a control group


   Computer work (keyboard or mouse) or typing should be defined as the exposure

Outcome definition

1. Symptoms (questionnaire or interview or both) of CTS in combination with NCT or

2) Symptoms alone but confirmed by qualitative interview.

Exclusion criteria


   Studies using workers' compensation data

Outcome definition

   Studies where CTS was diagnosed using questionnaire symptoms only, NCT only, or clinical tests as Tinel's and Phalen's tests only