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Table 4 Subgroup analyses primary outcomes

From: Effectiveness of a tailor-made intervention for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle and/or low back pain after delivery: Short-term results of a randomized clinical trial [ISRCTN08477490]

Outcome measure

Outcome Usual Care Mean SD

Outcome Experimental intervention Mean SD

Mean change Usual Care Mean SD

Mean change experimental intervention Mean SD

Differences between groups Mean 95% P-value

Subgroup RDQ baseline < 13






Primary outcomes


RDQ (0–24)

3.8 (3.0)

3.8 (3.6)

5.7 (3.4)

5.7 (4.5)

0.0002 {-2.4;2.3} 0.99

MC (VAS) (0–100) *

23.4 (23.5)

18.5 (19.3)

46.7 (30.0)

50.4 (19.5)

-3.3 {-17.9;11.4} 0.65

GPE n/ %#

16 (72.7)

20 (80.0)


-7.3 {-30.8;23.5} 0.55

Subgroup RDQ baseline ≥ 13






Primary outcomes


RDQ (0–24)

8.7 (5.9)

5.5 (5.5)

6.4 (5.8)

10.7 (6.0)

-4.3 {-7.0;-1.5} 0.003

MC (VAS) (0–100) *

29.0 (19.2)

22.9 (24.7)

38.0 (28.9)

51.5 (28.5)

-13.4 {-27.4;0.6} 0.06

GPE n/ %#

21 (61.8)

23 (69.8)


-8.0 {-22.5;14.6} 0.49

  1. * First main complaint (MC) was selected, # ratings on a 7-point scale are dichotomized as improved (completely recovered and much improved) and not-improved (Slightly improved, not changed and slightly/ much/ vastly worsened)