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Table 6 The 10-year and 15-years survivorship with the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the three endpoints (revision for any reason, revision for aseptic loosening, radiographic failure) of the 69 hips including 29 total hip arthroplasties with impaction bone grafting (IBG) and 40 primary cemented total hip arthroplasties

From: Long-term results of cemented total hip arthroplasty in patients younger than 30 years and the outcome of subsequent revisions

Category of patients

Proportion revision free for any reason

Proportion revisions free for aseptic loosening

Proportion free of radiographic failure


10-year (95% CI)

15-year (95% CI)

10-year (95% CI)

15-year (95% CI)

10-year (95% CI)

15-year (95% CI)

All hips (n = 69)

86% (74 to 92)

75% (59 to 86)

90% (79 to 96)

82% (65 to 92)

90% (80 to 96)

82% (65 to 92)

Primary cemented hips (n = 40)

81% (64 to 91)

71% (50 to 84)

86% (70 to 94)

80% (60 to 91)

86% (70 to 94)

80% (60 to 91)

Acetabular IBG (n = 29)

93% (74 to 98)

83% (49 to 95)

96% (77 to 99)

86% (48 to 97)

96% (77 to 99)

86% (48 to 97)