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Table 1 Description of the exercise program

From: A physiotherapist-delivered integrated exercise and pain coping skills training intervention for individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial protocol


Description and progression

Knee extensor strengthening

Seated knee extensions with ankle weights. Ankle weights progressed.

Hip abductor strengthening

Level 1: Side lying with ankle weights. Ankle weights progressed.


Level 2: Standing hip abduction with elastic band around ankles. Elastic band resistance progressed.

Weight-bearing knee/hip extensor strengthening

Level 1: Partial wall squats (option to add elastic band around knees to incorporate hip abductor muscles).


Level 2: Sit-to-stand (option to add elastic band around knees to incorporate hip abductor muscles).


Level 3: Split sit-to-stand (or split partial wall squats) – most weight bearing on affected side.

Knee flexor strengthening

Seated knee flexion against elastic band resistance. Elastic band resistance progressed.

Step Ups/Step Down

Progress by increasing the height of the step then adding weight (i.e., back pack or hand weights).

  1. All exercises must be progressed during the program. Dosage is 3 × 10 repetitions with 5 second holds for all exercises with the exception of level 2 and 3 sit to stand exercises which have 3 second holds.