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Table 1 Pattern of analgesic use according to severity of pain

From: Patterns of analgesic use, pain and self-efficacy: a cross-sectional study of patients attending a hospital rheumatology clinic


Number (%) of patients agreeing* with statement in each pain category (score range)


None (n = 6)

(0 to <0.5)

Slight (n = 26)

(0.5 to <1.5)

Moderate (n = 100)

(1.5 to <2.5)

Severe (n = 62)

(2.5 to <3.5)

Extreme (n = 17)

(3.5 to 4)

1. I always take my tablets everyday

2 (33%)

9 (35%)

66 (65%)

47 (72%)

13 (77%)

2. I only take a tablet when the pain gets too bad

5 (83%)

14 (54%)

45 (45%)

23 (35%)

5 (29%)

3. I vary how I take the tablets depending on how bad the pain is

3 (50%)

14 (54%)

54 (54%)

30 (46%)

6 (35%)

4. When I'm having a bad patch I take my tablets everyday, otherwise I only take them when I feel I need them

3 (50%)

14 (54%)

44 (44%)

20 (31%)

3 (18%)

5. I usually take the tablets before I go to bed

1 (17%)

6 (23%)

37 (37%)

24 (37%)

9 (53%)

6. I usually take the tablets before exercise

1 (17%)

3 (12%)

34 (34%)

20 (31%)

4 (24%)

  1. * Patients were given the following instruction: 'These questions are about how you take the PAIN KILLER medications the doctor is currently giving you for you arthritis. Please circle the number that describes how much you agree with the statement'.
  2. Scores were: 1 = strongly disagree; 2 = moderately disagree; 3 = slightly disagree; 4 = slightly agree; 5 = moderately agree; 6 = strongly agree.
  3. Statement Number (percentage) of participants who answered the question
  4. 1. 197 (90)
  5. 2. 193 (89)
  6. 3. 189 (87)
  7. 4. 193 (89)
  8. 5. 191 (88)
  9. 6. 184 (84)