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Table 4 Implementation Data Collection by Stakeholder Level Guided by the RE-AIM Framework

From: Effectiveness of spinal manipulation and biopsychosocial self-management compared to medical care for low back pain: a randomized trial study protocol


(Proportion and representativeness of individuals willing to participate)

Participants: % excluded by reason; % who participate; comparison of clinical and demographic characteristics of participants versus non-participants; barriers and facilitators* to participation, reasons for declining participation


(The influence of an intervention on important outcomes, including potential negative effects, quality of life, economic outcomes)

Participants: See Effectiveness Outcomes; Healing Encounters and Attitudes List (HEAL) patient-provider connection, healthcare environment, treatment expectancy, and positive outlook; [81] COVID-19 Impact+; [82]) Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ)+; [83] % drop out of treatment in short term (2 months) by patient characteristics, intervention; barriers and facilitators*to intervention effectiveness

Providers: confidence in own pre-defined intervention related competencies (0–10); modified TUQ+; confidence in remote environment+; [84] barriers and facilitators*to intervention effectiveness

Adoption (The proportion and representativeness of intervention staff willing to initiate and adopt the intervention)

Providers: demographics, training/educational background; Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (PABS) [85]

Implementation (How consistently various elements of an intervention are delivered as intended)

Participants: adaptations to interventions; barriers and facilitators* to engaging in interventions at 2 months; % of prescribed visits attended (fidelity)

Providers: adaptations to intervention delivery processes; % of required intervention elements delivered (fidelity); barriers and facilitators* to delivering interventions

Other staff, system stakeholders: estimated costs, time and resources needed to implement intervention with fidelity; opinions about process**


(The extent to which participants make & maintain a behavior change and the sustainability of a program)

Participants: % completed and % lost to follow up at 2, 6 and 12 months; % return to baseline pain and disability; % change in primary outcomes (see Responder Analysis); barriers and facilitators* to engaging in intervention recommendations at 6 and 12 months

Providers: changes in attitudes and beliefs after trial completion; views of barriers and facilitators* to implementing intervention in the field

  1. *Barriers and facilitators assessed qualitatively; + Measures added during COVID-19
  2. Patient implementation measures assessed at initial screen through follow up (see Table 3); Provider implementation measures assessed pre-/post- training and at trial completion; **Other staff and system stakeholders assessed throughout the study and in a post-trial qualitative process evaluation