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Table 3 Characteristics of participants

From: Education to keep the abdomen relaxed versus contracted during pilates in patients with chronic low back pain: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

1) Sociodemographic data, including age and sex, will be obtained;

2) Duration of low back pain (in months) will be obtained through the question: “How long have you had low back pain?”;

3) Risk of chronicity, obtained through the 10 items of the short version of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire (OMPQ)[30];

4) Map of pain regions, where the participant will mark the numbers that correspond to the pain site;

5) Life stress events assessed through closed questions, with dichotomous answers (yes and no), covering the following aspects: serious illness that resulted in withdrawal from usual activities; hospital admission due to illness or accident; death of a close relative; severe financial problems; forced change of housing; separation/divorce; Physical aggression; and assault/robbery;

6) MRI performed, where the following question will be asked: “Have you ever performed a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the lumbar spine?” Answer options: yes or no;

7) Family history of low back pain, where the following question will be asked: “Do you have anyone in the family who suffers from low back pain?” Answer options: yes or no;

8) History of Pilates method practice, where the following question will be asked: “Have you ever practiced Pilates?” Answer options: yes or no.