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Table 1 Number of participants in each foot type and the Weighted Kappa analysis (Kw)

From: Agreement between clinical measures to classify foot posture in asymptomatic adults


Highly pronated foot

Pronated foot

Normal foot

Supinated foot

Highly supinated foot

NNHt; n (%)

10 (10%)

32 (31%)

54 (53%)

4 (4%)

2 (2%)

FPI-6; n (%)

13 (13%)

33 (32%)

39 (38%)

12 (12%)

5 (5%)


0.84 (95%CI = 0.83–0.88; % Observed agreement = 99%)

  1. Abbreviations: NNHt the normalised navicular height truncated, FPI-6 the foot posture index-6, Kw the Weighted Kappa statistic, 95%CI 95% confidence interval: Total number of participants = 102