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Table 2 Quality Assessment questionnaire used to evaluate the quality of the studies included in the review

From: Stereophotogrammetric approaches to multi-segmental kinematics of the thoracolumbar spine: a systematic review

Quality Assessment Questionnaire:

1) Are the research objectives clearly stated?

2) Were the eligibility criteria of participants clearly defined?

3) Did the description of the method used, allow for a replication of the measurement?

4) Is the motion analysis system and setup described?

5) Are marker locations clearly described?

6) Were the spine segments chosen clearly stated and defined?

7) Was the population information and anthropometric data provided?

8) Were the movement tasks chosen clearly described?

9) Were the statistical tests used clearly defined?

10) Were the main measurements and their calculations clearly described?

11) Are the main outcomes of the study clearly stated?

12) Were the limitations of the study clearly stated?

13) Was the repeatability of the measurement assessed?

14) Are errors from marker attachment considered?

15) Was the accuracy of the marker setup assessed?

16) Were the marker setups chosen easily applicable in a clinical setting?

17) Was the reason for choosing the motion task justified?

18) Did the participant cohorts include subjects with spine pathology?

19) Were the measurement outcomes clinically relevant?