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Table 1 Search Strings used per database

From: Stereophotogrammetric approaches to multi-segmental kinematics of the thoracolumbar spine: a systematic review


Research String


TITLE-ABS-KEY (spine OR trunk OR back OR kinematics OR lumbar OR thoracic) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("motion analysis" OR "movement analysis") AND ABS (segment*) AND NOT TITLE-ABS (knee OR ankle OR cervical OR head OR inertial OR wireless OR gait)


(((("Motion analysis"[Title/Abstract] OR “movement analysis"[Title/Abstract])) AND (spine [Title/Abstract] OR back [Title/Abstract] OR trunk [Title/Abstract]) OR kinematics [Title/Abstract] OR lumbar [Title/Abstract] OR thoracic [Title/Abstract]) AND (segmental [Title/Abstract] OR segment [Title/Abstract])) NOT (cervical [Title/Abstract] OR head [Title/Abstract] OR knee [Title/Abstract] OR ankle [Title/Abstract] OR gait [Title/Abstract] OR inertial [Title/Abstract] OR wireless [Title/Abstract])

Science Direct

(“motion analysis” OR “movement analysis”) AND (spine OR spinal OR back OR trunk OR lumbar OR thoracic) and (segment OR segmental) NOT (Cervical OR head OR ankle OR knee OR gait) NOT (wireless OR inertial)