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Table 4 Demographic description of the trajectories at baseline (n:127)

From: Are changes in pain associated with changes in heart rate variability in patients treated for recurrent or persistent neck pain?


Trajectory 1 (n = 29; 15 stretch, 14 stretch + SMT)

Trajectory 2 (n = 46; 26 stretch, 20 stretch + SMT)

Trajectory 3 (n = 40; 14 stretch, 26 stretch + SMT)

Trajectory 4 (n = 12; 6 stretch, 6 stretch + SMT)

Age, mean (sd)

54 (13.5)

60 (14.7)

58 (12.4)

54 (14.4)

Female, n (%)

13 (45)

25 (54)

24 (60)

9 (75)

Baseline pain intensity (NRS-11), mean (sd)

2.6 (1.3)

4.4 (1.9)

5.0 (1.8)

7.3 (1.0)

Pain duration

 Less than 6 months, n (%)

0 (0)

1 (2)

0 (0)

0 (0)

 More than 6 months, n (%)

7 (24)

5 (11)

6 (15)

0 (0)

 Several years, n (%)

22 (76)

37 (80)

34 (85)

12 (100)

Pain intensity (NRS-11) change score, mean (sd)

-1.46 (1.5) n = 28

-1.67 (2.2) n = 43

-0.39 (2.2) n = 36

0.08 (1.8) n = 12

Neck disability change score, mean (sd)

-3.9 (3.6) n = 22

-2.4 (4.7) n = 37

-1.7 (4.2) n = 36

-1.7 (5.0) n = 10

STarT Back categories (Low risk: 0–3. Medium risk: Min. 4 points, max. 3 items from the psychosocial subscale. High risk: 4–5 on the psychosocial subscale.)

 Low risk, n (%)

26 (90)

39 (91)

25 (63)

3 (25)

 Medium risk, n (%)

1 (4)

2 (4)

9 (23)

6 (50)

 High risk, n (%)

0 (0)

2 (4)

2 (5)

2 (17)

Qualitative characteristics of pain (McGill questionnaire) change score, mean (sd)

-2.3 (4.5) n = 26

-2.1 (5.9) n = 45

-0.9 (7.8) n = 39

3.3 (11.1) n = 12

Type of occupation

 Unemployed, n (%)

6 (21)

17 (37)

9 (23)

7 (58)

 Mostly hard labour, n (%)

0 (0)

1 (2)

2 (5)

0 (0)

 Mostly a variation between hard and easy labour, n (%)

1 (3)

4 (9)

4 (10)

0 (0)

4. Mostly standing and walking, n (%)

3 (10)

8 (17)

9 (23)

0 (0)

5. Mostly sitting, n (%)

19 (66)

17 (36)

15 (39)

5 (42)

EQ-5D change score, mean (sd)

-0.003 (0.072) n = 27

-0.005 (0.038) n = 43

0.007 (0.05) n = 36

-0.013 (0.11) n = 12

Arm pain, n (%)

10 (35)

27 (59)

28 (70)

10 (83)

Pain in the mid-back, n (%)

11 (40)

27 (59)

27 (68)

8 (67)

Pain in the lower back, n (%)

9 (31)

28 (61)

27 (68)

10 (83)

Sick leave the previous year

Do not work, n (%)

3 (10)

17 (37)

7 (18)

4 (33)

No, n (%)

24 (83)

27 (59)

29 (73)

4 (33)

Yes, between 1–7 days, n (%)

1 (3)

1 (2)

2 (5)

1 (8)

Yes, between 8–14 days, n (%)

1 (3)

0 (0)

1 (3)

1 (8)

Yes, more than 15 days, n (%)

0 (0)

1 (2)

1 (3)

2 (17)