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Table 1 Participant characteristics. All values are mean (SD) unless otherwise specified

From: The relationship between foot and ankle joint flexibility measures and barefoot plantar pressures in healthy older adults: a cross-sectional study

Age, years

72.4 (5.2)

Female, n (% of total)

32 (65.0)

BMI, kg/m2

29.8 (5.9)

Physical activity level (IPAQ-7)

 Low, n (% of total)

14 (28.5)

 Moderate, n (% of total)

17 (34.7)

 High, n (% of total)

18 (36.7)

Ankle joint range of motion in deg, mean (SD), [range]

32.7 (6.4), [19.0 to 48.3]

Ankle Equinus < 30 deg, n (% of total)

17 (34.7%)

Ankle joint range of motion in deg, [range]

26.1 (3.8), [19.0 to 29.9]

Foot type (Rasch values), n = 26

 Cavus FPI < -0.21, n (% of total), mean (range)

1 (3.8%), −1.54 (−1.54–1.54)

 Neutral FPI −0.21 to 2.98, n (% of total), mean (range)

13 (50.0%), 1.79 (0.50 to 2.98)

 Planus FPI > 2.98, n (% of total), mean (range)

12 (46.0%), 5.22 (3.81 to 7.77)

 Mean (range)

3.2 (2.3)

Navicular Drop, mm, n = 26

8.2 (5.4)

Navicular Drift, mm, n = 26

8.6 (4.2)

1st MPJ dorsiflexion ROM, deg, n = 26

78.5 (25.2)

  1. SD Standard deviation, BMI Body mass index, IPAQ-7 Short version of the international physical activity questionnaire, FPI Foot posture index, MPJ Metatarsophalangeal joint, ROM Range of motion.