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Table 1 Modified Frankel grading system

From: Rare case of real-time observation of paralytic deterioration after cervical dislocation in the hyperacute phase

Grade A: Complete: no motor or sensory function

Grade B: Sensory only: some sensation preserved, no motor function

B1: Touch sensation remains in only sacral lesion

B2: Touch sensation remains in lower extremity

B3: Pain sensation remains in sacral lesion or lower extremity

Grade C: Motor useless: some sensory and motor function, but motor function not useful

C1: Unable to flex the hip and knee from supine (Hip flexors 0–2)

C2: Able to flex the hip and knee from supine (Hip flexors 3–5)

Grade D: Motor useful: sensory function preserved, motor function but useful

D0: MMTs of lower extremity are 4–5, but because of an acute phase, it is impossible to test the walking ability

D1: Able to walk with a walker, but not practiced, usually use a wheelchair

D2: Independent gait with a cane

D3: Independent gait without a cane

Grade E: Normal: normal sensory and motor function (hyperreflexia and numbness are permitted)