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Table 3 Participant characteristics

From: Acceptability of, and preferences for, remote consulting during COVID-19 among older patients with two common long-term musculoskeletal conditions: findings from three qualitative studies and recommendations for practice

Study name, funder(s)

Number of males: females




Disease duration / treatment initiation

Participant experience of remote consultations

Improving Fracture Prevention Study (iFraP), NIHR, ROS, Haywood Foundation



1 working

1 retired

3 unknown

Mean 68

(range 60–71)

Diagnosed at their recent FLS appointment

Participants had received telephone consultations either pre or early pandemic in both FLS and primary care about osteoporosis

Blast Off Study

(Bisphosphonate aLternAtive regimenS for the prevenTion of Osteoporotic Fragility Fractures), NIHR


Data not collected

4 working (2 employed; 2 doing voluntary work)

5 retired

6 unknown

Mean 67

(range 58–75)

Initiated bisphosphonate treatment (oral or IV) between 1997 and 2020

Telephone consultations with primary care clinicians and specialists about osteoporosis

Experiences of patients with RA, during the coronavirus pandemic (ERA), Haywood Foundation, NIHR



4 working

1 not working

10 retired

Mean 64 (range 46–78)

Disease duration mean 22.2 years (range 1.5–46 years)

Telephone consultations with specialists in secondary care and primary care about RA

  1. FLS Fracture Liaison Service, NIHR National Institute for Health Research, IV intravenously, ROS Royal Osteoporosis Society, RA Rheumatoid Arthritis