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Table 1 In- and exclusion criteria

From: Needle aspiration of calcific deposits versus shock wave therapy for conservative therapy resistant calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder: protocol of a randomized, controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Age: > 18 years

ESWT or NACD treatment during the last 6 months

Chronic shoulder complaints (> 6 months)

Any contra-indication for the specific treatments (e.g. coagulopathies, malignancies in treated area)

Calcifications visible on conventional radiographs

- type I or II calcifications according to the Gärtner classification

minimal diameter of 10 mm

Clinical signs of a frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis

Able and willing to comply to study protocol

Operations of the affected shoulder in medical history

Clinical and radiological signs of acute subacromial bursitis

Full-thickness lesion of the rotator cuff tendon(s) on sonography

Clinical and radiological sign of acromioclavicular osteoarthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia

Other intra articular pathology: cartilage lesions, biceps pathology