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Table 2 Patient Characteristics

From: Prevalence of sarcopenia in community dwelling outpatient postmenopausal Hungarian women

Parameters (median, range)

All participants

ASM < 15 kg

ASM ≥15 kg

(n = 100)

(n = 31)

(n = 69)

Age (years)

66 (50–84)

67 (50–83)

66 (50–84)

Weight (kg)

64.5 (41–95)

57 (41–71)a

68 (47–95)a

Height (cm)

157 (141–170)

152.5 (141–170)b

158 (146–169)b

Body mass index (kg/m2)

26.2 (18.8–36.5)

24.2 (19.2–31.3)c

27.5 (18.8–36.5)c

SARC-F questionnaire score

3 (0–9)

6 (4–9)d

2 (0–7)d

Hand grip strength (kg)

20.6 (10.9–27.9)

12.8 (10.9–14.5)e

21.2 (11.1–27.9)e

Gait Speed (m/s)

1.11 (0.39–1.61)

1.05 (0.39–1.61)f

1.11 (0.9–1.61)f

Left upper extremity lean mass (kg)

2.17 (1.29–3.09)

1.88 (1.29–2.28)g

2.30 (1.69–3.09)g

Left lower extremity lean mass (kg)

5.65 (3.50–9.33)

4.84 (3.50–5.44)h

5.97 (5.29–9.33)h

Right upper extremity lean mass (kg)

2.22 (1.49–3.17)

1.94 (1.55–2.30)i

2.36 (1.49–3.17)i

Right lower extremity lean mass (kg)

5.71 (3.70–9.54)

5.02 (3.70–5.61)j

6.01 (5.27–9.54)j

ASM (kg)

15.79 (10.81–24.10)

13.82 (10.81–14.88)k

16.41 (15.00–24.10)k

Body mass index adjusted ASM

0.610 (0.378–1.097)

0.577 (0.378–0.744)l

0.626 (0.435–1.097)l

  1. a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,lp < 0.001. ASM: Appendicular skeletal muscle mass. SARC-F: 5-item strength, assistance walking, rise from a chair, climb stairs and falls (SARC-F) questionnaire