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Table 2 Estimates from linear mixed effects models for the association between fear of movement and emotional distress, measured at baseline, and disability score over the follow-up year

From: Fear of movement and emotional distress as prognostic factors for disability in patients with shoulder pain: a prospective cohort study


QuickDASH score (0–100)


Unadjusted mean change (95% CI)


Adjusted mean change (95% CI)a


Fear of movement (0–10), per pointb

1.14 (0.29–1.98)


1.10 (0.20–2.00)


Emotional distress (1–4), per pointc

16.93 (11.31–22.55)

 < 0.001

19.89 (13.86–25.92)

 < 0.001

  1. aadjusted for age, sex, BMI, educational level, baseline disability, and duration of symptoms
  2. bMeasured using one question: “How much ‘fear’ do you have that these complaints would be increased by physical activity?” (scores range from 0 = no fear, to 10 = very much fear)
  3. cMeasured using the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (scores range from 1–4, 4 = maximum)